
RaiseMN could be described as a fundraising bootcamp in which small- and medium-sized nonprofits receive seven months of personal coaching and peer learning opportunities.  
Every public library in Minnesota benefits from State funds earmarked for interlibrary loan service (ILL), online database access, and special programming featuring authors and educators. These are just three of a dozen ways in which state dollars impact local library service. Crucial services like these are easy to take for granted - but we do so at our own peril. With that in mind, the Minnesota Library Association maintains a standing Legislative Committee. 
If you’re subscribed to MALF newsletter, it’s safe to assume you’re a Friend of the Library. From there, it’s not much of a stretch to surmise that you’re a book-lover, too!
If you are a volunteer or staff member attached to a school library, the national nonprofit We Need Diverse Books has a time-sensitive materials opportunity just for you. Books Save Lives is a grant program allocating up to $10,000 for a school media center to purchase diverse titles to augment existing collections.
Great Stories Club’s “raison d'être” is to give underserved youth the opportunity to read, reflect, and share ideas on topics that resonate with them. Courtesy of funding support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the popular program has reached more than 700 libraries – and more than 30,000 young adults – to date.