This e-newsletter doubles as our last chance to remind and encourage you to apply for the 2024 Evy Nordley Award. Applications must be received over email or postmarked by this Friday, July 5.

While we can’t tell you what your odds of winning are, we can say with some certainly: better than you think. Over the past five years alone, at least two Friends of the Library groups wavered over whether even to take part, and came away with the $1,000 top prize!

You may simply be too close to your project, or too aware of the challenges and shortcomings, to fully appreciate how impressive your latest Friends initiative really was. And what is there to lose? Applicants typically report that compiling materials and submitting a nomination takes them less than two hours.

Click here for more details – and here to download this 2024 application form.

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June 20, 2024 • 7:22PM

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July 2, 2024 • 1:14PM