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Congratulations to Friends of the Babbitt Public Library, winners of the 2023 Evy Nordley Award for Best Project by Friends. Babbitt (pop. 1,380) is one of the smallest communities to ever earn MALF’s highest prize –– which goes to show that exemplary, innovative Friends work happens within groups and towns of all sizes!
A real-life legal case with a supernatural bent inspired lawyer-turned-novelist Allen Esken’s latest thriller, Saving Emma. Eskens told MALF all about this backstory, and much more, on September 30 when he joined Friends for our fourth annual Saturday Splash event.
Nestled at the eastern edge of the Iron Range, the small town of Babbitt usually doesn’t qualify as a mecca for commerce or the arts. The exception is a special weekend each June, when the Friends of Babbitt Public Library hosts its annual Up North Craft & Vendor Extravaganza. On Saturday, June 3, nearly two dozen handicraft vendors accepted an invite extended by The Friends to sell their wares in the Babbitt Municipal Gym!
Regrettably if unsurprisingly, COVID-19 forced many robust Friends fundraisers to go dormant. Many have not yet fully regained their momentum, with attendance and revenue trailing pre-pandemic norms. Granted, exceptions exist. For a case in point, consider Friends of the Cook Public Library’s annual Holiday Basket Fundraiser.
Early literacy learning is bedrock to the mission of public libraries. Granted, teaching children to read (and to appreciate its worth) is a tall order, and no library is in a position to go it alone. Fortunately, staff have natural allies in this…
We are excited to honor this year’s class of Standout Friends in September as part of Saturday Splash. Thanks to the many Friends groups who have already submitted one of their own for this Friends-only honor. If you haven’t already, there’s still time. Deadline is 11:59 p.m. CDT next Friday, July 28.
Fifteen years ago, the American Library Association established the I Love My Librarian Award as a way to recognize the dedication and achievements of MLIS-level library staff members. Specifically, this annual, national honor is intended to celebrate “librarians who have made a difference in your life and/or gone above and beyond to serve your community.”
Registration is now open for the 2023 conference of the Minnesota Library Association. Join library staff, trustees and supporters at the Saint Paul RiverCentre on October 4-5 for dozens of panels, keynote talks and networking opportunities. Friends rates start at $85 if you register before August 17. Cost jumps to $110 after the early bird cutoff. 
ICYMI: Minnesota lawmakers closed out the 2023 legislative session in late May. The approved budget is chockfull of increases and other updates which should come as welcome news to library supporters. Liz Lynch, legislative co-chair for the Minnesota Library Association, recorded a legislative update to refresh us all on the funding streams that support our libraries – and orient us to all the exciting changes in store for 2024 and beyond.
Last year alone, Friends of the Library hosted countywide craft expos, video game-a-thon fundraisers, Día de los Muertos celebrations, and even a dog-friendly 5k walk.
Odds are good that over the next several months, your local Friends of the Library are hosting a book sale, author talk, marquee fundraiser – or some other program open to the public. MALF is here to help you promote! All member organizations are invited to submit their programs for promotion on MALF’s statewide Friends calendar.
ICYMI: The National Book Festival is just around the corner as well! Sponsored and hosted by the Library of Congress, this one-day extravaganza celebrates the American literary tradition across all genres and formats.