Author Elizabeth Andrew is credited with saying: “Volunteers do not necessarily have the time – they have the heart.”

That’s a truism if ever we heard one. Friends of the Library who do the most for their groups aren’t necessarily the members with the freest or most flexible schedules. That just makes the invaluable contributions of Friends (like Chris Sadar, below) all the more impressive.

MALF honors these devoted volunteers every year through its Stand Up for Standout Friends program. Each member Friends group is invited to put forward one of their own to be acknowledged as part of a statewide “class” of exemplary volunteers.

If you’re unfamiliar, click here for a rundown on eligibility requirements (which by design are few), the application process (which we promise is easy), and recipient perks (because who doesn’t love perks?) Please note: Deadline for the 2024 cycle of Stand Up for Standout Friends is this Friday, July 26!

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