Remember: Any Friends-supported project is eligible, provided that (1) project implementation began after January 1, 2022; and (2) either the Friends or their Minnesota library was the primary beneficiary. (In other words, efforts jointly developed with or sponsored by non-Friends organizations are qualified under many circumstances.) If you have specific questions about the eligibility of a particular project, call 651-366-6492 for clarity.
Use this form to outline your project or initiative. Answer each section fully and carefully; MALF’s judging rubric follows this same outline. If a piece of information seems relevant to multiple categories, do not hesitate to duplicate select details as necessary. You are also welcome to submit supplementary materials as appendices (such as photographs, news articles, attendee or donor testimonials, etc.)**
Email your entry to All entries must be emailed by 11:59 p.m. Friday, July 7. **If you have supplementary materials that cannot easily be scanned (ex., newspapers, posters), you may send a copy via USPS. Mail to MALF, 332 Minnesota Street, Suite W1420, Saint Paul, MN, 55101.