Every public library in Minnesota benefits from state funds earmarked for interlibrary loan service (ILL), online database access, and special programming featuring authors and educators. These are just three of a dozen ways in which state dollars impact local library service [source].

Crucial services like these are easy to take for granted, but we do so at our own peril. Without continued support in the state legislature, there is no guarantee that the government will sustain libraries in this way in perpetuity. With that in mind, the Minnesota Library Association maintains a standing Legislative Committee. 

This body organizes an annual Library Legislative Day at the Capitol in Saint Paul. It is perhaps our best opportunity all year round to champion the valuable work of libraries in front of an audience well positioned to safeguard library funding. The big day is coming up fast: Thursday, February 20. (Can’t make it to the Twin Cities? There is also an option for asynchronous virtual participation in this library advocacy push.)

Click here for more details on MLA membership and here for additional information on MN Library Legislative Day 2025.

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January 20, 2025 • 4:16PM